75. Voluntary Torture

Audio recording of a typical Pilates session with Sara. As my bodyworker, Sara does most of the talking, while I respond to her directions and vocally express my pain.
A Tamil woman in an orange long-sleeved shirt and black sweatpants, face-up on a massage table.
Wearing an orange long-sleeved shirt and black sweatpants, I lie face-up on a massage table, eyes closed, a rolled towel under my head and a bolster under my legs. Credit: Sara Fuller, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Okay, whenever you're ready.
Take your feet flat onto the table and lift your hips, and I'm going to put these balls underneath your hips. Lower down on them. Do they feel even? You kind of want to feel as if the thigh bone is kind of dropping down onto them.
So you could weight your glutes down on the balls, trying to relax into the balls. And then, because of that added space, the thigh bones can start to drop back towards those balls. And then to help release that area in the back, I'm gonna have you take your legs to the opposite sides of the room, and then come back together. Just gonna adjust your head pillow a little bit so that your face is now parallel with the ceiling. Are these balls giving you trouble?
No, I just, you know, hurt like a bitch.
Come back in with your legs, trying to feel that you're keeping your pelvis parallel with the ceiling, so that the front hip bones and the pubic bone are the bones you're leveling out to be parallel with the ceiling, that gives you the neutral pelvis, and rotate out the legs. Imagine now you deepen your center there a little bit as you go out with the legs. And then come back in, take a nice inhale, imagine the diaphragm expands, pelvic floor expands, air moves through your torso. Now keep your right leg still and go out with just your left leg, don't go quite as far, what you want to feel here is that your opposite . . .
Like this, right?
Okay, so going out with the left, you want to feel that the right side of the pelvis is working a little harder to keep your pelvis still. So in order to maintain your neutral with one leg going out to the side, the core has to work harder so the pelvis and the spine isn't pulled around. You're working on differentiating the thigh bone, here in your pelvis, so that we can move our legs without it torquing on our back constantly, which creates kind of a continual wear and tear.
Feel that you engage your center a moment before you move your leg. And then go only as far as you feel like you can keep the center engaged. Don't let yourself go further than that point. And then we'll do the other side.
Am I doing that right?
Yep. Take a nice inhale. Good. Exhale, feel the pelvic floor lift, the deep wrap of your transversus, more weight over on the left side, and take the leg back in.
That feels significantly easier. If I'm doing that right.
You're doing really good. You want to feel just a little bit more left lower oblique here as that leg goes to the right. Going back, feeling that this is actually more about your left lower oblique than it is about the movement of the leg. Nice. Take it back in, very good. Gonna have you take this ball between your legs. Take your feet a little closer towards your hips, rest your arms by your side. Take your chin torwards your Adam's apple to lengthen the space between the vertebrae of your neck. Very, very good. And release. Sometimes we just kind of jam the chin in; you want to feel that the chin going in is to lengthen the space of the neck vertebrae. Or you can think that lengthening the space of the neck vertebrae, like imagine that you take your ears towards the mirror, gently brings the chin in. Whichever one creates that space is what you're after.
Yep, very good. Take a nice inhale all the way in, releasing that a little bit. Now add squeezing this ball with your legs, just about 20%, feel that deep lift of your center, lift of your diaphragm as we take the chin in to lengthen the back of the neck. So lots of cues, really, to feel a sense of connection into your center length through your back. That 20% squeeze of the ball is to help you feel that center lift. A lot of times the inner thighs can help you connect into that core engagement. When you inhale, release everything, just feel a nice expansion in with your breath, in with your air. And then exhale, lifting up. Inhale in, good, fantastic, and exhale, lifting, lifting, and lengthening that neck line, and reaching towards the mirror. Well done. I'm gonna take this away. Lift your hips up. Lower your hips down. Keep your legs over this bar. Bend your knees a lot, press into your thigh bones. Take your feet down towards the table, keeping that little space for the small of your back. Imagine that you've got your ASIS points and your pubic bone parallel with the ceiling. You should feel your tailbone a little bit more kind of towards the table, the sit bones reach away from your face, maintain that position. As you come up with the legs, you want to be resisting the springs with your hamstrings. You want to imagine your thigh bones dropping back to where we had those balls before. So you almost have to feel that you widen your pelvic floor a little bit so the thigh bones can glide down into the hips. And so you can maintain your neutral pelvis, neutral spine, pressing down with the thigh bones. Good. Control up with the thigh bone, think of the knees reaching toward the ceiling, the thigh bones dropping down into the hips, subtly sticking the butt out to maintain the neutral. Good. And pressing down. And controlling up. Take your knees in towards your chest. Great. I'm going to take that far away. So now I'm going to put this TheraBand between [around] your feet. It's going to go right above the knees. Take your feet onto the table there. Make space between your feet and your knees. You okay?
Yeah, just tender.
No, I didn't even realize.
You're trying to keep that same idea of that little space for the small of your back by finding your neutral pelvis; fantastic. So it has a sense of length across the front of the spine. Take a breath in and exhale; feel that deep wrap around your spine, which helps to engage the multifidi in your back, which work like these little sort of muscles that can make the connective tissue between your vertebrae puff up a little bit and help give you a little spinal decompression. Just the thought of it. Good. Maintain that and take both legs, rotate them to the opposite sides of the room into that TheraBand, making sure that you keep even between your right and left hip. Come back in with your legs. This is to strengthen deep rotators in the back of your hip that connect your thighbone into your pelvis. Stay still with your left thigh so you have about 20% pushing out, and then take the right leg out, about 30%, and slowly back in, and back out and back in, one more time, only going to some muscular work, don't let it hurt too much, go out to the other side. Getting a little circulation into the area can help the healing too, so just moving the muscles a little bit.
It's just a lot of cues to remember.
Yeah. Well done. Take the feet and knees together. Stretch your legs out over the roller so it's under your knees. Keeping your thigh bones subtly rotated out in the back of your hips, straighten your right knee, keeping that left lower oblique region engaged so your pelvis doesn't twist with the straightening of the right leg. This is to strengthen your VMO on your right side, which helps to glide that kneecap straight up your femur. Now adding a little reach of your heel can help as well. And then bend and straighten, reaching your heel towards me as that kneecap glides straight up the thigh, make sure you keep that little rotation of the thigh bone. One more time. And relax your foot. Turn this thigh bone out a little bit, straighten the leg, gliding that kneecap up and bending, gently reaching your heel towards me as you roll the thigh bone out so that that thigh bone isn't oriented in. Good. And then — great remembering of that pelvic stability, good imagining of that, that tracking, good — bring your feet flat down onto the table. Take your heels up onto this ball. Hold on to this ball between the legs. Pull your/this ball, into your knees or right over your hips. Keep your elbows on the table, put your hands in front of your thighs.
Yep, keeping that neutral pelvis, neutral spine, press your thigh bones into your hands and having your hands meet the pressure of your legs. It doesn't have to be everything you got, just about 20% to feel a little bit of energy up the front of your spine and your core. Take an inhale in all the way to my fingers running down. And then exhale, press into your hands and feel that energy up as the diaphragm —
— oh I hate that —
— good. Inhale, your diaphragm expands towards your hips. Your pelvic floor opens a little bit. Exhale, feel your pelvic floor lift and engage, pushing your thighs into your hands. The diaphragm releases up towards your face, presses the air out of your lungs. Inhale, diaphragm expands, contracting, pelvic floor releasing, exhale, leg into hands, pelvic floor lifting, diaphragm releasing up towards your face. On the next one, stretch your legs out towards the street, straightening your knees; your heels will lift. Good. Take a nice inhale, come in. Pulling that ball in, keeping that stretch across your whole front of your spine, exhale, pressing out, feeling that internal lift. Good. Take it back in. Take your feet down onto the table here. Grab a hold of these little weights, reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Try to release your pelvis a little bit more into neutral, stretching across the front of your hips, so feel like you're sticking your butt out a tad more. Yep, there you go. Keeping your shoulders on the table and your arm bones on the table, reach your arms out to the opposite sides of the room, feeling a stretch from your collarbone to your hand. Take your arms back up, trying to keep your shoulders on the table. Imagine your arm bones articulating in the center of your shoulder socket. Right where you feel my finger wiggling, you want to feel that you're kind of letting that bone drop into. Yeah.
Oh, wow, that really dropped. Yeah?
Yep. Very good. Now here, bend your elbows, keep your upper arms vertical, bend your elbow so you take your hands toward me, towards your ears. And then straighten your arms, feeling the back of the arm. Work to straighten your elbow. Keeping your shoulders, arms, on the table, or top of the humerus there on the table. That was good! Reach out nice and wide, feeling that stretch, collarbone to hand, and take it back, keeping that stretch.
Good. Thinking of that humerus dropping into the center of the shoulder as you bring your hands back towards one another. Fantastic. Keeping that centered humerus feeling as your shoulders and your ribs stay on the table, bend your elbows, with the arms staying vertical. Stretch it up straight. Come up to sitting, facing whichever way you want, the legs dangling off the table. So, feeling that you're sitting on top of your sitting bones, imagine your diaphragm is parallel with the floor and that your pelvic floor is parallel with the floor, and they're stacked on top of one another. Between the two, you want to connect with that deep transversus abdominus wrap. Take a breath in, trying to expand your ribs to the side and to the back, feeling your diaphragm dome downward. Exhale, feel that lower tone lift up the front of your spine, lift the diaphragm up and stretch your spine towards the ceiling as you exhale. Inhale, doming the diaphragm, feeling that space from the lower ribs. Then as you exhale, feel energy running up into my hand that I have on the back top of your skull, lengthening the back of your neck a little bit there. There you go. Good. Inhaling, feeling the ribs expanding. Exhale, feeling that lower lift and stretch up towards the ceiling, reach into my hand, feel the chin comes in because the back of the neck stretches. Good. Try to hold that position, take your head forward because you round your spine into my hand, up, just to the upper back. Good. And now take your breastbone towards the ceiling, as if you can lift the breastbone up towards the sky, and have the breastbone orient towards the ceiling, stretching all the way from that base of that ribcage up. And then going forward, rounding forward, lift, taking your breastbone backward, rounding into the palm of my hand that's on your upper back. And then lifting the breastbone forward and upward. You're trying to now take my hand that's on your breastbone up to the ceiling and orient towards the ceiling, feeling that it's a lift of the whole front of your spine. Come back to square forward. Fantastic. Take your hands and make an "X" across your chest, and turn your ribs to the right by taking the base of the bottom of the right ribcage back, left bottom rib cage forward; and then switch, right rib cage forward on the bottom there, left rib cage back, being very clear that you're turning from where my hands are at the bottom of your rib cage, not from your shoulders or your head.
Yeah, it's what I'm doing.
It's so hard.
Yeah. Everything just feels so damn stuck.
Come back to square forward here. We're going to do a little side-bend. Fan your ribs here on the right to side-bend towards the left, lifting the base of the right side of the rib cage up. Fan your ribs on the left, lifting the base of the left side of the ribcage upside, bending to the right, side-bending left by lifting the base of the right side up. Now, I want you to gently turn your head to the right. And now have your chestplate follow the gaze. Come back to center. And then the other way: you're gonna fan your ribs on the left as you side-bend right, your face is going to look towards that left diagonal of the room, and now your chest is going to face that left diagonal of the room, and then come back to square forward, then come back up to even, right to left sides of your back, drop your arms down by your sides, and come up to standing.
There's a hell of a lot of clicking in there.
Yeah. And then just take a step forward here, so I can stand behind you. And then feel your feet right underneath your hips. Imagine a stretch of your manubrium up towards the ceiling without taking your diaphragm forward. So you want to keep your diaphragm parallel with the floor and standing, and sometimes it tends to tip forward in front of you. So imagine that you take the diaphragm, slide it back a quarter of an inch over your stable legs, over your neutral pelvis. And then take the breath in and exhale, feel that lower tone gliding in, and feel a stretch of your ribs upward but not forward by imagining that manubrium lifting a little bit; it will help your shoulders fall onto your back. Lengthen the back of your neck a tad. Good. Imagine that sense of the sitbones reaching downward and the sense of that length up the front of your spine to give you those opposing directions for that idea of that tensegrity, feeling the sense of support into your feet, sense of strength into your legs. Good, nice work!

Sara and I have been close friends since 2006. When I first became disabled and struggled to find care, I spent most weekends at her apartment, where she and Mary would massage me for hours. After Sara became a Pilates instructor, I began seeing her at a Pilates studio every week for massage- and movement-based bodywork. This recorded 2019 session occurs years after she (and no other physician or caregiver) located by palpation the hard, mobile lump in my pelvis — the walled garden my appendicitis had erected for itself — but it similarly exemplifies the tactile intuition she developed by massaging my specific bodymind, and the compliant stillness I developed under her specific hands. The bodyworker-client relationship is bidirectional, and that bidirectionality affects touch-based therapies by combining self-sensing and kinesthetic empathy (Schleip et al., 2014). Fascia-based therapies are collaborative and (re)generative; as Dumit and O'Connor (2016) establish, every somatic experience in relation to the fascia produces a new affective, kinesthetic self-sensing (p. 36). But for patients with incurable, intractable pain — who will never be rehabilitated — touch-based therapies are a double-edged sword. In most cases, massage or physical therapy is a mandatory, routine component of care that requires patients to endure, work through, and think through pain as part of the painful process of treatment. Additionally, illness personification can complicate the bodyworker-client relationship and the patient's relationship with her own pain, and this is perhaps particularly (bidirectionally) fraught when the bodyworker and client are close.

In the Pilates studio, Sara is my beloved friend and the hour-long instrument of my pain. You can hear the empathy generated between us, but also how inexorable she is, albeit gently. She has to be. Every week, I present with the same incompatible motivations: (1) I am here voluntarily; (2) I'm a pain-averse, reluctant participant. That is, don't make me do it, which unfairly frames Sara as the person who will make me, though we both know she loves me and doesn't want me to feel pain.

In working through my pain together every week, we must navigate the subtle problems intrinsic to our bodywork sessions (and perhaps more generally to the field of touch-based therapy): (1) that by allowing my tissue movements to guide her hands, Sara can't avoid absorbing intimate, hands-on knowledge about my physical pain; (2) that despite the experiential knowledge that I'll feel better when we're done, I can't avoid feeling forced to submit to torture to get there; (3) that my abject endurance struggle is communicated through contagious affects, touch, and my unsuppressed vocalizations, so Sara can't avoid experiencing herself as brutal captor and must manage becoming the site of torturing personification and maintain her composure while treating me.

Illness personification is common to people living with chronic pain, who develop a relationship with their medical conditions and variously describe their pain as a sensation and a self: an external obstacle, an unwelcome intruder, a vicious invader, an internal blight, a traveling companion, a lover (Scarry, 1985; Morris, 2000; Reventlow et al., 2006; Barker, 2005; Baszanger, 1998; Kleinman & Kleinman, 1985; Huber, 2017; Khanmalek & rhodes, 2020). In keeping with the human inclination to anthropomorphize objects and events, I tend to personify my chronic pain in ways that represent my constructive and destructive relationships with it, ranging from torturing personification (imputing the characteristics of a torturer to pain sensations) to bodyworking personification (attributing the ambivalent characteristics of a bodyworker to pain sensations) (Tsur et al., 2017).

Maybe you can tell from the way Sara talks to me that our sessions summon both.

I am not a victim of torture, but postmemory and intergenerational trauma furnish me with imagined military interrogators, and as a fibromyalgic Eelam Tamil, torturing personification of pain culturally makes sense and, on bad days, is nearly instinctive. Fibromyalgia is a protagonist/deuteragonist whose pain sensations originate in the body and can't be controlled or escaped, recalling the dependency of the tortured subject on her torturer (Tsur et al., 2017). Scarry (1985) suggests the torturer is defined by an absence of pain that expands his dominion while his infliction of pain obliterates the victim's world. Torture is a dramatization of distance between the torturer and tortured subject, where "the most radical act of distancing relies on his disclaiming of the other's hurt" (p. 57). In this destructive relationship between self and pain, pain attains a malevolent agency, objectifying the pained body through this infliction and disavowal, amplifying its hopeless, confining qualities (Tsur et al., 2017, paras. 3-4). Consistent with biopolitical strategies that disown and silence the body in pain, chronic pain and its expressions are framed as personal failures: of health, of strength, of bodily control, of civility (Sheppard, 2020, pp. 8-9). Tsur et al. (2017) note that torturing personification may transpire in people who have never been subjected to torture, such as chronic pain patients, and correlate different illness personifications with different degrees of adaptive coping and emotional adjustment. For instance, negative personification — pain as punishment, enemy, torturer — is associated with increased pain intensity, anxiety, and pain-related depression, while even ambivalently positive personification — pain as value, challenge, restorative bodywork — can reduce pain intensity and depression and improve quality of life (para. 5).

Effective, compassionate bodywork acknowledges the tortured subject's pain and stays close to the suffering body. The bodyworker's task is to notice pain and address it by encouraging the fascia to cunningly reshape itself into new, fluid postures. In this constructive relationship between self and pain, pain attains a restorative dimension, offering instruction that will, in the long run, diminish its manifestations. I purposely yield control but, more like BDSM than torture, control is always mine (Sheppard, 2020).

Managing these personifications is easier said than done, especially on the massage table, where (as in torture) my world is obliterated. But unlike torture, this is a voluntary collaboration, where pain is an unfortunate byproduct of healing touch-based therapy. I experience the pain of this painful process as excess, as too much, a down payment for future reward that feels like an unjustifiable disciplinary technique (Levinas, 1998, p. 158). Levinas' (1998) theory of useless suffering, specifically of collective trauma, paints suffering as passivity, no longer a consciously performed act of cognizance but a submission to suffering, or a submission to the submission of suffering. The pain of this painful process might be useless, merely a waymarker to pass on the way to rehabilitation, but it isn't meaningless. Chronic pain still signifies (Morris, 2000). At minimum, "pain delivers to consciousness a body as its lived-body: the experience of pain carries with it the awareness that the body-in-pain is precisely my own lived body" (Geniusas, 2020, p. 136).

I always feel better after our sessions, but for the duration, Sara must assume a temporary burden of guilt for hurting me, and I the same, as I feel like I'm making her, even though (like me) she participates voluntarily.

Between instructions, encouragements, and reassurances, Sara reminds me to let go, warns me of impending pain sensations, becomes, necessarily, a connoisseur of my pain as expressed in every tissue movement, breath, groan, whimper, shout, cringe, jackknife flinch. I am acutely aware of how loud I am, unable to silence myself even when other clients are in the studio. At a reading of Sophocles' Philoctetes by Paul Giamatti at the Y, most of the audience cringed, instinctively mortified, at his roars of pain, while I leaned in for the sound. Excessive displays of pain are pathologized and considered immodest in polite society, but if pain is not expressed, the sufferer's pain is doubted (Halttunen, 1995).

In pre-anesthetic culture, pain expressions were normal and socially acceptable, if traumatizing to witness (Morris, 1991; Halttunen, 1995). Late 1800s hospitals were sites of visible, aural agony. Surgeons were torturers, steeling themselves against the screams and flinches of their patients, who had to be restrained to prevent them from struggling against the surgical scalpel or amputating saw. This spectacle was unavoidable, but the fact that surgeons were able to cope led patients, critics, and researchers in the medical humanities to accuse them of universally lacking sympathy or acquiring a sadistic taste for screams (Bourke, 2014, pp. 231-233). But for their patients, they had to accept the torturing personification.

It's not really formally acknowledged, perhaps because bodyworkers aren't considered experts, but the encounter between bodyworker and chronically painervated client is similarly world-destroying and -renewing for both parties. Sara touches my pain and is touched by my pain in turn. But even this is further complicated: Sara also lives with chronic pain, and while this informs her tactile approaches and kinesthetic empathy, it also means her pain and mine — two ambivalent protagonists — meet. Pain flows between us as an intensity that must be processed, accepted, commuted, and returned through touch, touch being the only sense that is localized within the body and experienced as a double sensation: that is, the touching body touches and feels itself touching. Like King Midas, who changed any object he touched to gold, my chronic pain — a self-reflexive, localized sensing fundamental to the lived subject-body's constitution — "envelop[s] the other's body within the field of my own sensings and transform the other's body into my own" (Geniusas, 2020, p. 136). But intentional morphological deformation of the fascia (through massage) can trigger biochemical, electromagnetic, and mechanical signals that reach the DNA of cell tissues in palpated and non-palpated areas (Bordoni & Simonelli, 2018, para. 8; Weig, 2020). What I call my chronic pain is regularly altered, at the cellular level, by Sara's hands. The field of her sensings enacted upon my body transform my body into the other's as well.

I joke, simplistically, that our sessions are voluntary torture, but as bodyworker and client, Sara and I operate in a profoundly complex bidirectional relationship of affect contagion, cellular transformation, and more than anything, trust. Levinas (1998) identifies an ethical subjectivity and sensibility in "suffering for the suffering of others" that endures through love and compassion, creating an inter-human order that "lies in the non-indifference of one for another . . . in the recourse that people have to one another for help" (p. 165). In altruistic, asymmetrical relation between self and Other, the inter-human perspective is the responsibility of the self to the Other, gratuitously, without concern for reciprocity or reward, even at the risk of suffering for the suffering of the Other by submitting to the evidence of their pain. In this consensual, voluntary exchange, I submit to Sara's hands (pain with a positive valence), and she inflicts pain and has to submit to its evidence (my submission to pain). Strapped into the Trapeze Table or lying on the Reformer, I undergo a guided exploration of the limitations and capacities of my body. Sara fashions prosthetic assemblages of foam rollers, cushions, bolsters, rolled towels, and her own body, kneading my soft tissue with fingers, knuckles, elbow. Like sitting for a tattoo or engaging in BDSM kink, the focused pains, though severe, are calming in their specificity. We can stop at any time. Maybe that small sense of control, despite my uncontrollable pain responses to massage, helps me persevere.

Bodywork circulates pain between both parties, and "sharing pain pulls it to the forefront of our conscious experience, not just for the pained bodymind, but for those with whom pain is shared . . . we become co-experiencers of our separate experiences through our emotions" (Sheppard, 2020, p. 18).

When I call this voluntary torture, I'm acknowledging not only the rehabilitative aspects of physical therapy but also the pain and compunction in the bidirectional bodyworker-client relationship; Sara's position as co-author of my fascia text; and the sense of misability in how a self with pain, once fascially manipulated, forever becomes a pair.

(– 41. Doctor, Naanga Eppadi Irukkanum?)